Who is Web to Print for?
A family led a printing house for three generations, which not only was the main source of their livelihood, but also a source of their pride. The first printing machines were bought to the company by their grandparents and were from the best suppliers at the time. The next generation fulfilled the machine park with high quality bindery. This family kept the machines in best conditions, so that the quality of production comply to the highest international standards. It seemed to them that multigenerational tradition and attention to the highest quality of services will allow them to maintain a respectable position on the printing market. However, dealing with all the company matters during official and private face to face meetings, brought the family into a false sense of security.
Now is the time for online solutions, which clearly invaded all spheres of life and business. The market of online sales developed dynamically mainly due to changes in consumer behavior. Accessibility, universality and simplicity of the Internet use means that people spend more and more time online: they read, talk and … they buy.

Internet users who bought or ordered goods or services for private use over the internet in the previous 12 months by age groups, EU-28, 2007-2015 (% of internet users).
source: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/E-commerce_statistics_for_individuals
Time for printing!
We buy shoes, books, electronics, vacations and other services online. Why not print? Web-to-Print system (also known as Web2Print) is closely tailored to meet the needs of the printing house software that allows you to move your business into the Internet world. People who want to handle printing services online are already there, waiting for it.
Web-to-Print features can be divided into two categories.
- E-commerce solutions that enable print houses to sell products through their website to the newly acquired customers
- Solutions that are facilitating the management of the company and supporting regular customers.
E-commerce Web-to-Print solutions allows you to start selling your products online. Simple import features helps you to enter and position your products (even with complex specifications). It works similarly to a usual store. Web to Print solutions also contain an enormous amount of marketing tools to support the promotion of your company and maintain a good relationship with your customers.
Solutions that optimize company’s work
Web-to-Print is not just a printing house’s website online. It is also a solution that improves business performance. Web to print production process management and purchases monitoring features are only an introduction to all functionalities that will improve the management of your company.
For whom?
Web To Print opens the magnitude of possibilities. The solution can be customized to the needs of each and every printing house. It is for both companies cooperating with individual clients as well as business clients.
The story described in the introduction of this post, shows the situation that many printing companies are currently in. The print market is fragmented. Most of the companies on this market are small family businesses for years leading their services mainly for regular customers. Data from western markets clearly shows that all the markets are awaiting consolidation. Increasing the concentrations of the companies.Therefore, this is an ideal time to implement Web to Print system and find new customers or improve communication with the existing ones. You must be prepared, because the approaching times are of fierce competition.